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Explore your Physical Endurance with
Defence Standard Tactical Obstacle Course

Free Assessment – No Fees Charged
The college also has a Defence Standard Obstacle course, 12 Physical Obstacles to be completed in one go without break. The Participant can discover his physical endurance level by getting assessed during and after passing through the Physical Obstacle course in stipulated time in presence of Defence Tactical Expert who observe their behaviour response to obstacles, their body language including confidence and body flexibility which should have free movements .
In today’s time, the youth is completely neglecting their Physical Workout, spending more time on Indoors and mobile video games with no sound diet which reduces physical strength.
This life style weakens the physical Body Structure and diminishes his immunity to fight against diseases and reducing his life span. At the end of the endurance test, the participant shall be awarded a Certificate indicating his present Physical Fitness status. This assessment will help the participant and enable him to make decisions as whether to opt for those career which require physical strength.